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Customize With A Solid Foundation

By now you’ve probably realized that we’re super passionate about creating beautiful, one-of-a-kind WordPress websites. But every unique design needs a solid and planned-out theme to support it. That’s why we built our own!

Our newest product, LaLa Theme 4, includes all the latest blocks and plugin extensions. We work hard to support it and are always dreaming up new features that’ll make your website even better.

Check out LaLa Theme 4 and its predecessor, LaLa Theme 3, in the documentation sites below!

Dive into our Documentation Sites

LaLa Theme 4

This theme is built on WordPress 5.0 and uses the Gutenberg Block editor. It’s currently supported and as our current theme product, it continues to improve over time.

Visit the documentation site for LaLa WordPress Theme 4:

BUY THEME 4: $75

LaLa Theme 3

This theme is fully functional on WordPress 5.0 and beyond. It uses the Classic WordPress editor. It’s currently supported and improvements are made as needed, but we’ve stopped actively developing new features for it. (No longer for sale.)

Visit the documentation site for LaLa WordPress Theme 3:

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