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LaLa Squarespace Design Experts

Working with the Squarespace design experts at LaLa Projects means taking your online presence to the next level. With our team of professional Squarespace designers, we create affordable Squarespace websites that wow while saving our client’s time and energy. No project is too big or small. We can build an out-of-the-box website design solution, elevate your existing Squarespace website with a redesign, boost your Squarespace seo, or work on quick content updates. Whatever your website needs may be, we are here to help make your Squarespace dreams come true!

LaLa Squarespace Website Design Process

Phase One: Plan

After reviewing your custom Squarespace website proposal, we’ll start with a planning and strategy session. First, we will dive into how to accurately reflect your business online while supporting the vision you have for your website. Next, we will start by mapping out each page for your new site, discuss styling and functionality, and dive into content strategy.

Phase Two: Build

After developing the plan of action, our team of Squarespace design experts will get to work building out every aspect of your website. We will set up a Squarespace account on your behalf and share account management permissions with LaLa Projects to maximize collaboration. Our team will keep in touch every step of the way, ensuring that your new website is turning out exactly how you envisioned it.

Phase Three: Launch & Support

Once the website is ready to launch, we will help connect your domain name to your website. Then, we will also help set up Google Business tools by using your organization’s existing google account or creating one for you. After your website is launched, we will help support any updates or revisions you may want to make in the future!

Squarespace Website Design & Creative Services