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Extension Solutions That Are Focused On Function

Since 2014 we’ve been working with clients to create impressive digital solutions from concept to launch. Along the way, we’ve found a comfy connection with wedding industry pros and authors alike. Their specific needs for organizing details and showing off their work led us to develop specific extension products to do just that.

Our LaLa Projects-built WordPress Plugins are extensions for our own LaLa Theme 4. They’ve each been specifically developed to add functionality to your author or wedding website. Check out how each of these unique products can elevate your online presence and make things easier for your site visitors.

LaLa WordPress Plugins

Narrow In On Your Niche

Author Websites
Wedding Industry Website

Interested in our Plugins?

We’d be happy to show you around. Contact us to set up a free demo.

Interested in our Plugins?

We’d be happy to show you around. Contact us to set up a free demo.