Free Consultation

Collaboration Builds Character

We hear from clients over and over again that one of their biggest challenges is writing website copy. We get it! You’re the expert in your organization and even though you know *what* you want to say, it’s tricky figuring out *how* to say it.

Enter LaLa’s Content Coaching. We’ve got your back — and a toolkit full of effective strategies — to help you jump in and stay motivated to crank it out.

Our Approach

Keyword Research

Discover which keywords and terms people are Googling when it comes to your business. Armed with this knowledge, craft your copy to make a match and get your site ranking up with the best of them.

Information Architecture

Using Google Drive, we give you the “big picture” of what we’re working on together. This visual wireframe brings your site layout to life and includes a text editor that lets you easily create your copy.

Goals & Accountability

Time…. We hustle all day and we never have enough of it. Our team helps you set attainable milestones (and gives some gentle nudges when needed) to keep your website project moving.

Editing & Optimizing

After you’ve done the big job creating your copy, we refine and optimize it so that it works for you online and keeps your customers coming back for more.

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