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About 906 Rewards

906 Rewards a loyalty program for visitors to Mackinac Island.  This collection of businesses includes Island House Hotel and Pine Cottage Bed & Breakfast. 1852 Grill RoomIce House BBQMary’s Bistro Draught HouseSeabiscuit CafePancake HouseRyba’s Fudge ShopsIsland House Bike Rental, and Starbucks on Mackinac Island.

Visit Website

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Project Features

Project Overview

The 906 Rewards website is bigger than it looks at first glance. The primary objective of is to provide website users with an easy way to sign up for their loyalty program. The secondary objective is to support all the businesses in the collective.

Project Details

The home page is dedicated to the rewards sign-up. It is integrated with the rewards service.

Our Brands

We built a custom post type to manage the brands. The archive page showcases all of the brands. The brand detail pages have a featured image banner and heading, followed by blocks. The pages can use any blocks that are in the block library.

History Plugin

The History Plugin showcases the full timeline of the Callewaert Family. The History Plugin takes website users through their history. This was a fun and unique project to design and develop. Visit the Family History to see it for yourself!

Family Profiles

The Family Profiles page showcases all the active family members. This page is a custom WordPress template.