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About Royal Stag Preserve

The Royal Stag Preserve is a luxury bird hunting experience in Northern Michigan. From arrival to the last shot, the Royal Stag journey delivers the best to their members, so they were looking for a custom site with a luxury feel to match. With an exclusive hunt club membership, their members receive full access to luxury pheasant preserve offerings like brand-new state-of-the-art equipment and marked private fields to ensure the safety of their guests. LaLa Projects delivered a functional custom website showcasing how rewarding life on the preserve can be!

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Creative Services Used

Project Features

  • Ecommerce & Informational Website
  • Custom Website Design
  • Custom Graphics
  • WooCommerce Bookings
  • Animal Usage Tracking Program for Admins
  • Custom Navigation & Action Bar
  • Custom Blog
  • Instagram Social Feeds

Project Overview

The Royal Stag Preserve website has a unique rustic yet upscale look and feel. The primary objective of is to provide website users with an easy-to-navigate site to help them better understand the unique benefits of a hunt club membership. The secondary objective was to have a robust customer portal and shop that simplifies booking hunts and add-ons.

Project Details

The preserve website features a custom action bar that adds an element of grunge to the site. Custom graphics were also created to align with the website’s overall rustic yet luxe feel.


The custom shop on this site is nested within a member portal, so hunt club members can access their accounts easily. This allows them to book hunts online, purchase birds, shotgun shells, or other add-ons with a click of a button.