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About Seaberg Pontoon Rentals

Located on Lake Superior in Munising, MI, they have the perfect location for your summertime boat rides. You can explore the beautiful destination of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore on your pontoon ride! They are a veteran owned, family ran business who take pride in their customer service and love to have fun!

Visit Website

Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Website Services Used

Project Features

  • WordPress
  • Logo & Branding
  • Custom Designed Website
  • Call-to-Action
  • Blog
  • Social Wall

Project Overview

While designing a website for Seaberg Pontoon Rentals, our goal was to create an inviting and fun site, while still maintaining their traditional roots. We included imagery of their beautiful stomping grounds, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and made sure to include all their tips and tricks for a perfect boating adventure.

Project Details

We began the project with revamping the Seaberg Pontoon logo. We stayed true to their original burgundy color and anchor icon, but made a few updates with fonts and logo orientation. We added a gradient to the call-to-action bar and buttons throughout the site to add some interest, and kept the rest of the website simple with neutral grays. Through a mixture of stock photography and original imagery, the website truly displays the beauty of the Upper Peninsula. We included a blog and a social feed on the website, so renters are always in tune with Seaberg’s history, news, or weather updates. Seaberg Pontoon Rentals is ready for you to book your Northern Michigan summer adventure!