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About Coastal Dermatology

Coastal Dermatology is dedicated to helping their patients achieve their skin goals, implement healthy habits, and become the most confident versions of themselves. Dr. Paula Cahill has over 25 years of experience in the field of dermatology, and is passionate about helping you with your skin care needs!

Visit Website

Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Website Services Used

Project Features

  • WordPress
  • Call-to-Action
  • Custom Designed Website

Project Overview

Dr. Paula is an experienced dermatologist who is drawn to the Northern Michigan and Southern Florida regions. We wanted to create a possessional, yet fun and beachy website for her new and existing patients.

Project Details

When we started this project, we used the colors and wave icon in her existing logo and ran with it! We created a custom website design that was inviting, friendly, and calming so it represented Coastal Dermatology well. We kept the design fairly simple and interweaved call-to-actions throughout the website so booking an appointment with Dr. Paula is a piece of cake!