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Add an SSL Certificate to Secure your Website

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Add an SSL Cerficate to Secure your Websites by LaLa Projects.

Google recently announced that they will be ranking secure websites higher than unsecured websites. Secure websites have an ‘SSL Certificate’ installed on the server. When a website is secured, you will notice that the URL as instead of A secure website is a best practice for creating secure shopping carts, but it is also good for protecting form submission

LaLa Projects offers a free ‘Let’s Encrypt’ SSL Certificate for WordPress websites hosted with us.  This is perfect for websites without e-commerce.  This SSL auto reviews annually.  It will protect website form submissions and help with SEO.

Another common SSL Certificate is the Comodo Essential. This is used for e-commerce websites to protect transactions and credit card numbers.  It costs approximately $100 per year, it does NOT auto review.  It needs to be installed on the server annually, thus requiring some manual attention from a developer.

Please contact us if you are interested in adding an SSL to your website.

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