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About Dr. Susan Wainwright

Dr. Susan Wainwright is a Psychiatrist in Bloomfield Hills and Traverse City, Michigan. Through her 30 years of experience, she guides children, adolescents, and adults in creating a deeper connection with themselves. Her practice specializes in psychodynamic, insight-oriented therapy, and psychoanalysis.

Visit Website

Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Creative Services Used

Project Features

  • Call-to-Action
  • Custom Designed Website
  • Informational Website
  • Logo & Branding

Project Overview

Dr. Susan wanted to create a new logo and website that was as inspired as her long career.  We started our work with an aspirational piece of artwork that resonated with Dr. Susan.  She wanted to capture the verve of that piece of artwork and infuse the essence of it into her logo and website.  You can see how the uplifting color palette influenced the logo and website design.

Project Details

This project was interesting to us because the logo and website infused a lot of personality into the logo and website design.  Based on our competitor research this is a unique branding approach for a psychoanalysis, Dr. Susan will certainly be standing out online.

The Logo & Branding

As mentioned in our project overview, the logo was influenced by an original woodcut that Dr. Susan found particularly inspiring.  Our graphic designer drew inspirations from the subject matter and colors from the original piece of artwork and created a logo that suited the client’s ideas.

Custom Website Design & Development

Once the logo and brand colors were established, we worked to make a custom design website that showcased Dr. Susan’s services and impressive CV.  This website is informational and helps patients connect with a seasoned professional.