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About Royal Stag Aviation

Royal Stag Aviation is a premier aviation company offering extraordinary experiences in the skies of Northern Michigan. They provide thrilling helicopter tours showcasing the stunning landscapes of Traverse City, the Great Lakes, Sleeping Bear Dunes, and more. Create unforgettable memories from a new perspective in the beautiful skies of Northern Michigan.

Visit Website

Mock up of Royal Stag Aviation Website

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Project Features

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Project Overview

The Royal Stag Aviation website marked our third successful collaboration with their team. Leveraging the LaLa Theme 4 as our foundation, we employed a cost-effective approach by repurposing a previously developed child theme for their other projects, ensuring consistency in their brand image while saving valuable resources.

Project Features

Through careful modifications to the child theme, we curated a contemporary and sophisticated design. This customization, coupled with Aerial Stock Photos by LaLa Projects, produced a beautiful website with an elevated aviation industry aesthetic.

To showcase the company’s helicopter tours the LaLa Portfolio Plugin was integrated into the website. This plugin offers a seamless and interactive way to display captivating images and detailed descriptions of the various Michigan helicopter tour packages. It enhances the overall user experience, allowing visitors to explore and envision their aerial adventure.

The website also incorporates the LaLa Brand Navigation Plugin. This plugin seamlessly integrates Royal Stag’s other brand offerings at the top of the website. It ensures brand consistency throughout their online properties and enhances the overall visual appeal, creating a cohesive and memorable online presence.

The development team will work closely with Royal Stag Aviation to understand their specific requirements, ensuring that the website aligns with their brand identity and business goals. The custom design and development process focused on delivering a responsive and intuitive website that engages visitors and encourages them to explore the unique helicopter tour experiences offered by Royal Stag Aviation.