Free Consultation

We’ve created this form to help you estimate how much it will cost to build out your dream website. Now, keep in mind, this website cost calculator is not perfect, but it will give a general idea of what to expect. After you complete the form we can hone in on the details and give you a more precise cost estimate for your website.

Website Estimate

Contact Information

Tell us about your project

What type of client are you?
How many people are on your website team?
What is your website management skill level (Hands-On)
What level of training will you require? (Hands-on)

Logos & Branding

Would you like to work with LaLa on your logo?
What type of Logo work do you require?

Website Details

Type of Website
Type of Project
Area of Focus for your Business
Are you interested in any of LaLa’s Plugins (Must use WordPress)
How many pages, blog post, and products do you envision for your website? (Hands-off)
How many pages, blog post, and products do you envision for your website? (Hands-on)
Would you like a Blog? (WordPress)
Would you like an Ecommerce Shop? (WordPress)
Would you like a Portfolio? (WordPress)
Would you like an Event Calendar? (WordPress)
Would you like an Social Feeds? (WordPress)
Would you like a Blog? (Squarespace)
Would you like an Ecommerce Shop? (Squarespace)
Would you like a Portfolio? (Squarespace)


Total Build Estimate