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About Mackinac Jobs

Mackinac Jobs is a site dedicated to helping anyone looking to work on Mackinac Island find the perfect job! Mackinac Island is a unique place between Michigan’s rugged upper and lower peninsulas, where Lake Huron and Lake Michigan meet. The working season runs from May through October, but connecting prospective employees with their future employees is a year-round job!

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Project Features

  • Custom Website Design
  • Custom Post Type for Jobs
  • Informational Website
  • Custom Navigation

Project Overview

The primary goal of is to help employers on Mackinac Island find seasonal staff. In addition, the site helps prospective employees learn more about what it means to work on Michigan’s most famous island!

Project Details

This custom website features many employment resources, a job application form, and an easy-to-navigate job opening feature.

Custom Post Type for Jobs

The custom post type for jobs feature makes it easy for website users to search through different job openings. People seeking employment on the island can narrow their search by location, job type, or category to find the perfect job for their unique skillset!