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About Grand Island Cabins

Grand Island Cabins offers rustic cabin vacation rentals located on Grand Island located just off the coast of Munising, Michigan 0n Lake Superior. This is a perfect spot for those that want to literally unplug, get away from this all, and soak up some Upper Peninsula nature.

Visit Website

Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Creative Services Used

Project Features

  • Call-to-Action
  • Custom Designed Website
  • Informational Website
  • Responsive Design

Project Overview

This website was built to showcase the cabins, the island, and the rustic splendor of Grand Island. The ultimate goal is to connect would-be visitors with the to book the cabins.

Project Details

The Grand Island Cabins website was a very fun project. The owners invited us to come stay overnight in the cabins on Grand Island. We took this opportunity to put our photography skills to work. We shutter bugged our way around the island gathering photos for the website and inspiration for our copywriting.

This was one of those experiences when you appreciate the saying “do what you love and never work a day in your life”. After our trip, we went home and built this charming website showcasing the rustic cabins, island amenities, and how to reserve.