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About Author Cora Seton

Cora Seton is a NYT and USA Today bestselling author. She has created a world readers love in Chance Creek, Montana. She has thirty-five novels and novellas currently set in her fictional Montana town. She is beginning a new series set in California.

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Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Creative Services Used

Project Features

  • WordPress
  • Edited Existing Website
  • Custom Post Types

Project Overview

Author Cora Seton is a real gem to work with. She hired us to work on her existing WordPress website. She wanted to give the website an overhaul. We modernized and brighten the look and feel of the website.

Project Details

Since we were starting with an existing website we began with a website audit. We gathered all the necessary account information to manage the website and related assets. We reviewed the theme and plugins, made grooming recommendations to make her website lean.

Next, we dove into the website design process. We redesigned the home page, navigation, and added a new series section of the website.

After the design work was complete, we began our development work. It was challenging work because we were working on customizing a child theme of the Total WordPress theme instead of the LaLa Theme 4.