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About Cedar Polka Fest

The Cedar Polka Fest is an annual festival celebrating the town’s rich Polish history. Lasting 4 days and nights, nearly 10,000 people descend into town for family fun. Attend the Polka Fest to eat, drink, and dance the nights away.

Visit Website

Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Creative Services Used

Project Features

  • WordPress
  • Blog
  • Call-to-Action
  • Custom Designed Website
  • Event Calendar
  • Form Registration
  • Sponsorship

Project Overview

After 38 years of festivities, we were excited to create the very first website for Cedar Polka Fest! By setting up a sponsorship page, event page, and Polka Fest news, locals and tourists alike can plan and enjoy all of the fun activities the festival has to offer.

Project Details

Our goal was to create a website that was fun and inviting, just like the Cedar Polka Fest.  The website was heavily influenced by Red, the ultimate Polish color, for it exudes the warmth and energy of the Polish people.  A few years back the festival had a logo design contest.  We used red and orange from the existing logo as the website’s primary colors. We made the website easy to navigate and highlighted the many opportunities to get involved and sign up for all of the exciting events of the festival.  Finally, we put together an events calendar to help festival attendees with the daily timeline of events.