Free Consultation

We’ll Show Your Website A Good Time

There’s some behind-the-scenes stuff that’s needed to keep a website up and running on the internet. LaLa can take care of this for you so you can focus on keeping your own business moving along.

WordPress Maintenance

$35 to $95 per month

All WordPress websites require maintenance to keep plugins and themes updated and backups stored. The LaLa WordPress Website Maintenance solution takes care of it all, keeping your website secure and running smoothly.

Monthly Maintenance: $35

  • Manual monthly backups on the 1st of every month before we do the website updates.
  • 3 Months of backup history stored on the server
  • Monitor and Updating of PHP level on server
  • WordPress core software updates
  • WordPress theme updates
  • WordPress plugin updates
  • Emailing service Brevo to resolve website form email notification issues.  Learn more >
  • Check WordPress Site Health Report
  • Check WordFence Security Report

Monthly Maintenance + WooCommerce Updates: $95

When you’re running a WooCommerce website, it takes more work to keep the shop plugins, page templates, and database up to date, typically requiring custom coding and a WordPress developer to work through these updates.

Annual Licensing Fees

LaLa WordPress Themes

LaLa WordPress Plugins

LaLa Theme Dependent Plugins

Optional Premium Plugins

  • SmashBallon
    • Social Wall + all Social Feeds: $249
    • Individual Social Feeds: $45
    • Feeds include: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube


We partner with Termageddon to produce dynamically updated privacy policies, terms & conditions, and disclaimer pages. As laws change so does your privacy policy.

  • Setup Fee: $95
  • Monthly Fee: $12

How We Invoice

Each website is unique. We figure out what your website needs then we compile the fees into one simple monthly payment.

The Fine Print

If updates require custom code to be written, these fees are the responsibility of the client.  If you are not on the WooCommerce Updates plan, then your Woo updates will be invoiced on an hourly basis.

Hosting fees are subject to change at any time.  The last increase was in January 2022.

Terms of Service


LaLa Projects is a reseller of the products you love. You get the same great products and services, you just buy them through the LaLa Projects.

Cloud Access WordPress Hosting

Kinsta Hosting

Go Daddy Reseller


Weebly Portal