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About ZKE Designs

ZKE Design is a home design firm located in Northern Michigan. ZKE specializes in custom log home and cottage design services throughout Michigan and the Midwest. With over 17 years of experience in the log-home industry, they can provide every service a client needs. From the initial home design to the actual engineering of the project.

Visit Website

Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Creative Services Used

Project Features

  • Call-to-Action
  • Custom Designed Website
  • Logo & Branding
  • Portfolio of Projects
  • Testimonials

Project Overview

We worked with Mike, the owner of ZKE Design to accomplish a website redesign and brand enhancement project.  The logo needed a small design refresh and he wanted to create a more navigable and modern-looking website to feature ZKE’s services and portfolio.  The overall goal was to create a website that would improve client engagement, increase website traffic, and generate sales leads.

Project Details

ZKE Design approached us to help them redesign their website and logo. The old website and logo were outdated and both needed a fresh appearance for the web. The old content served as a starting point for which pages and information would be included. In addition to this, we created call-to-actions and content funnels through the website to help user experience and create conversions.

Using the LaLa WordPress Theme 3.0 as a base, we developed a custom designed website.  All the images and text content can be easily be managed from within the friendly-to-use WordPress Content Management System (CMS).

One component the client really wanted was to be able to easily switch the featured homes that live in the portfolio section of the website. Our custom modules allowed for portfolio projects to be simply edited by the client whenever they please. We also made sure that ZKE had all their digital business assets organized. This included creating a Google account to use the following tools: Analytics, Search Console, Google Drive Shared Folder for documents and files, and form reCaptcha. Using these Google tools ZKE Design has all their assets in one place and are able to grow and measure the performance of their website.