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About Dragonfly Event Designs

Dragonfly Event Designs is a full-service wedding and event planning company. They are passionate about helping their clients create their dream day. They can help a little or a lot, whatever the client needs. These ladies will bring it together beautifully.

Visit Website

Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Creative Services Used

Products Used

Project Features

  • Business Card Design
  • Call-to-Action
  • Instagram Feed
  • Logo & Branding
  • Newsletter Sign-up
  • Testimonials

Project Overview

We adore the Dragonfly ladies, they were wonderful to work with.  Right from the start, their primary goal was to keep the information clean and straightforward.  They wanted an informational website to communicate their services clearly to prospective clients.  It was also important to create a sales funnel to help their client connect with them. As this was a new business venture, they also wanted to focus on search engine optimization.

Project Details

We started the project to meet and discuss domain names. This is often a critical discussion and can sometimes influence or determine the name of the business. Dotcom extensions for domain names are becoming a bit picked over for common business names.

They had an existing dragonfly logo, we kept the logo design, but edited it a bit. The business name was changed to match the selected domain name and a copper metallic texture was added to the digital version of the dragonfly. The logo on their website and other online marketing outlets. Lastly, a corresponding business card was created with copper foil in place of the metallic texture.

The copper color theme was also brought through the website design. The color palette suits their down-to-earth demeanor. The website showcases the beautiful photos of their events and shares information about the services they offer. It was also important to create a sales funnel with a clear call-to-action for potential clients to get started.