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About Cedar Creek Interiors

Cedar Creek Interiors provides quality home furnishings and interior design services. Visit their website or stop by their Elk Rapids, MI showroom to discover their uniquely curated product lines. They are as talented as they are wonderful.

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Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Creative Services Used

Project Features

  • Logo & Branding
  • Custom Website Design
  • Business Card Design

Project Overview

The overall goals of Cedar Creek Interiors project was to create a new logo, brand, and a new website to bring it all together. We worked with a local photographer to capture all the beautiful product lines displayed in their showroom. Great photos are an important foundational element for a great website.

Project Details

For this project, the client wanted to completely rebrand their business. Starting with a free consultation, we listened to the client’s ideas and developed a proposal. From there, the LaLa Projects design and development team created a stunning new logo, contemporary color theme, and beautiful on-site photos. Combining these new graphic assets with SEO techniques, we created a custom and responsive website that not only looks great but also provides them a powerful online marketing tool.

To get the most out of their rebranding, we integrated the new brand throughout their social media channels. We set up a verified Google MyBusiness page for the showroom location, integrated Google Analytics for website performance tracking and created a domain-based email account via G Suites.

In addition to the website, we designed new business cards, window vinyl, storefront signage, and we even recommend they paint the door teal to helping them fulfill their vision for a fully integrated brand.