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About Century Farm Cottages

Century Farm Cottages offer vacation rental options in Leelanau County. They have a Log Cabin, Stone Cottage, and Lulu Argosy. They are located just five minutes north of Suttons Bay and are nestled on 29 beautiful acres farm. This well-maintained property is managed by the loveliest people you can imagine. When looking for a quaint place to stay in Leelanau County, this would be the perfect spot to curl up for a few days.

Visit Website

Macbook Mockup of Custom WordPress Website by LaLa Projects

Creative Services Used

Project Features

  • WordPress
  • Calendar
  • Instagram Feed
  • Photo Tour

Project Overview

The goal of this project was to create a new stylish website for the Century Farm vacation rental properties. A full-bleed image-rich experience was highly desirable. This along with a photo tour feature of the available lodging options to engage would-be renters was critical for the success of this website.

Project Details

This vacation rental property had an existing website to work from. The rentals share the farm with the Starry Night Barn & Studios and are an integral part of their wedding weekend package. So, we decided to design the websites in tandem. We were able to build and use the same custom template in WordPress for both websites using Advanced Custom Fields. We simply re-skinned the website with a new style sheet and populated the website with new cottage imagery and written content. By using the same template, we were able to keep down the cost of building two custom websites.